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Asbestos Testing by Inspect My Home Featured Listing

Gold Coast, QLD 4215

Asbestos fibres are 50 to 200 times thinner than human hair, making it practically invisible to the naked eye. Once disturbed, asbestos can linger in the air for very long periods, and has been found to cause a number of health risks through inhalation.

Asbestos testing is extremely important if you're purchasing a new commercial property (and it was built before 1990), especially if you want to renovate.

Our inspectors are qualified to perform asbestos inspections throughout Queensland, with asbestos testing and extensive reports provided. This report will include a Certificate of Analysis so you can be 100% confident the results found are accurate, along with an asbestos management plan if asbestos is discovered.

Make sure you're not at risk – contact us for a commercial asbestos test today.

Added: 7 March 2012 4:54pm
Last Edited: 9 March 2015 1:24pm
Asbestos Testing by Inspect My Home
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