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Hemp-Life aim to promote the Industrial Hemp Industry within Australia by providing customers with quality products that are sustainably grown and ethically manufactured at the best prices possible.

We recognise that whilst Hemp is good for the environment this in itself is not going to support an industry reliant on consumer satisfaction. Hemp based products need to be comparable to, or of higher quality, than those made with other more established materials and again we believe that Hemp's natural properties allow it to excel in many of the areas that it can be used.

We place emphasis on Australian grown and manufactured products and preferably those that use organic ingredients - this results in a win-win for consumers and the environment alike.

We're sure that the quality of products, assurance of our drive for sustainability, excellent customer service and great prices will attract new customers and keep existing customers coming back for more.

384/52 Currumbin Creek Road
Currumbin Waters, QLD 4223
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Added: 15 April 2014 1:04pm
Last Edited: 16 April 2014 8:31am
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