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Career Edge

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Career Edge are career specialists, providing award-winning resumes, personal branding services, interview training and more. Helping clients step forward into the marketplace with confidence, Career Edge will assist in providing a strategically crafted personal brand to increase industry exposure, competitive differentiation and employment opportunities.


Career Edge create award-winning resumes for clients, ensuring each resume is a purposely designed marketing document with you as the product. When writing a new resume, Career Edge take the time to get to know you with a one on one consultation in order to become familiar with your career ambitions and be able to effectively target your industry.

Personal Branding

Offering personal branding programs for both individuals and businesses, Career Edge's personal branding programs will ensure you or your team are energised and focused on either business or career goals, and wanting to stand out from the crowd.

Interview Coaching

With today's interviews tougher than ever and in an increasingly competitive environment, Career Edge offers highly practical interview support through our unique coaching clinic. Find out how to frame your answers for maximum scores and impact. The program includes what to expect, managing anxiety, preparation, recovery, panel interviews and more.

Military Resumes

Transitioning from the Defence to civilian sector is never easy, but Career Edge will ensure your wealth of skills and experience will be translated in terms that a civilian employer will recognise and value. With award winning Defence resumes, Career Edge can help you leverage your assets, whether you are Army, Navy, Air Force or a trailing spouse.


With the right support and advice, the tricky issues of outplacement and redundancy can now be managed to ensure the outplacement process is seen as a positive opportunity for both the employer and the individuals affected.

147 Redland Bay Road
Capalaba, QLD 4157
Added: 25 February 2010 12:31pm
Last Edited: 19 April 2017 11:35am
Career Edge
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