Construction of Stage 3 of the Broadwater Parklands is one step closer and the message to local companies is ‘be ready’.
Gold Coast Mayor Tom Tate said the City would soon be calling for tenders for the civil works for 3.5 hectares of new parklands to the north of Gold Coast Aquatic Centre.
“Broadwater Parklands Stage 3 is a fantastic Commonwealth Games legacy project delivering new world-class parklands and more than 80 new jobs,” said Cr Tate.
“Tenders will be called later this week and it’s important that local businesses are ready to compete for the work. Gold Coast company Element Ecology recently completed the relocation of 3000 square metres of sea grass outside the Stage 3 works zone.
“Sea grass relocation ensures a sustainable habitat for marine life in the Broadwater and the 500 square metres of sea grass relocated as part of previous Broadwater Parklands stages has now grown to more than 2500 square metres.
“We have the expertise here on the Gold Coast to deliver this fantastic project and it’s a perfect opportunity for local businesses to be part of getting our city ready for the Commonwealth Games.”
Chairman of the Gold Coast Waterways Authority Gary Baildon said the Broadwater Parklands Stage 3 project offered a range of benefits for the Gold Coast.
“This project will be delivered progressively and incorporate a new four lane regional boat ramp with parking facilities, and the existing Labrador navigation channel in the western Broadwater will be dredged and extended to the south to provide an alternate channel for small vessels,” said Mr Baildon.
“Civil works, including dredging, are expected to commence at the conclusion of the Christmas holidays season (end of January 2015) to ensure no disruption for the Broadwater Tourist Park during their peak period.”
Broadwater Parklands Stage 3 is a joint initiative of City of Gold Coast and the Gold Coast Waterways Authority.
For information on tendering for Broadwater Parklands Stage 3 works, visit